It's Independence Day


Today, July 4th, we reflect on the history of our nation on the 243rd anniversary of the declaration of its independence. There’s much controversy in the news regarding Betsy Ross’ flag, which has been improperly utilized as a symbol for supremacist groups in more recent history. Leaving aside any arguments regarding the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the flag’s use in current times, let’s take a moment to look at the woman behind the flag.

Betsy Ross had already been widowed once by the year of the declaration of our nation’s independence and would be widowed again by the time she turned 30 years old. At an early age, she trained in the art of upholstery and became a successful businesswoman. In 1776, Betsy was commissioned by George Washington and others to make a flag for the new country. She continued crafting flags for more than 50 years.

While our nation was fighting for its freedom up against things like taxation without representation, Betsy was gaining her own financial independence, and later fame, in a time when that would have been very uncommon for a woman. As a widow in this era, she was likely struggling to get by and make her own way. Through creativity and hard work, she earned her own financial freedom. As we think about Betsy, let us look beyond her textile contribution to her more revolutionary contribution as a seeker of financial independence.

Regardless of gender, age, race, or any other demographic, financial freedom is an important goal. It can mean freedom from an abusive relationship, a soul-crushing job, the “what-if’s” in life, or simply the freedom to live the life you envision. And it all starts with a rainy day / emergency fund and a creative plan. Let today be the day that you embark on your journey towards financial freedom.

Happy Independence Day!

Ashley Coake